Thursday, May 17, 2012

Let's Make a Cute Little Pouch

I made a cute little pouch to match the backpack I made in my last post.
Here are the instructions....
Main fabric
contrast/lining fabric
thick interfacing
20cm zipper
8cm of grossgrain ribbon


The pattern includes 1cm seam allowance, unless stated differently. Piece A has rounded corners, 3cm from each edge. Use a cup as a template to get a perfect curve. Cut the follwoing pieces:
Piece A - 1 each from main, contrast and interfacing
Piece B - 2 each from main, contrast and 1 of interfacing
Piece C - 1 each from main, contrast and interfacing

Piece A
Piece B

 Piece C

Apply interfacing to each main fabric piece.
 Press under 1cm on both pieces of B.
 Baste each of B to the top of the zipper, placing each folded edge 0.5cm from the centre of the zipper. Top stitch in place.
Fold the ribbon in half, and baste to the bottom end of the zipper, using a 1.5cm seam.
 With right sides together, sew piece B to C using a 1.5cm seam.
 Turn right side out, and topstitch.
 Lining up the centres of each piece and with right sides together, sew Piece A to B and C, use a 1cm seam. Clip the corners to ease around the bends.

Repeat with the other piece A.

 Contruct the lining in the same manner as the pouch, omitting the zipper of course.
 The finished lining.
 Insert the pouch into the lining with wrong sides together , as above. Hand stitch the lining to the zip.
 Turn right side out. I added a Minnie Mouse teapot charm to my zipper. (from Parts Club bead store)
 The finished pouch. I hope my niece likes it.
Have fun making one!


  1. Very cute!! Your niece is lucky to have such a great aunt!!

  2. This is amazing! I can't believe this is handmade, I would normally be paying for something like this! I love the disney fabric and your sewing is phenomenal!

  3. Hi, Lisa!
    very cute pouch!
    You have a great talent!!!!
    My sawing is always bad...
    But, I love handmade, too!

    akiko in Tokyo
