Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Maya home at last.

 Maya came to live with us yesterday. We drove to the airport freight depot to collect her. There were actually a lot of animals coming and going there.  I could hear her crying out in the truck drop off zone. When she was handed over to us over the counter, I started crying, because she looked so scared. My son held her in the car on the hour long drive home.
 We let her outside straight away. We quickly worked out that she loves leaves, rocks, sticks and digging in the dirt. So much for all the toys we bought her!

 She has a beautiful placid, gentle nature. Dainty like a little girl should be.

 She also prefers sleeping on the cool tiles, rather than the bed we got her.

 Palm fronds are a favourite.
 Just like a real life fluffy teddy bear. Her fur is so soft and clean, and she has the cutest little nose.
Just like a human baby, she needs naps every couple of hours. Romping around outside is exhausting for her.  She slept in my son's room last night in the kids old baby cot. But, unlike a human bub, I simply put her in the cot, put her blanket over her, and she went off to sleep until 5am. No crying or midnight feeds. Much easier.

Training will begin in a little while, once she is more familiar with her new family.

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