Tuesday, October 29, 2013


 Here are the latest photos of Maya, sent from her breeder. She is starting to look more like a puppy and less of a guinea pig. She is still bigger than her brothers.
 How adorable are her little paws? Her fur is thickening up and she is becoming more chubby. I just want to cuddle her and wrap her up in a blanket like a little baby. The kids and I keep arguing who is going to get to cuddle her first, ha ha!  She will be flying to the airport for us to collect. Can you imagine how anxious we will be waiting to have our first glimpse of her.
 It is unbelievable how fast a puppy can grow in the span of 7 days. She is developing a snout and a cute little black nose.
All I can think about are puppies nowdays. I have quite a collection of puppy supplies and dog toys awaiting her. Then there's Christmas 2 weeks after we collect her, so will have to start searching for gifts for her. I know I sound a little nuts, but even though we haven't met her yet, we love her and know how much joy she is going to bring to our son. Only 6 more weeks until she is ours.

1 comment:

  1. Did eyes come to open? I love a puppy doing its best very!

