Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Japanese Television - 2

This fellow is a famous sportsman I believe.
Egg children.
Mmmm. Coffee in a can.

A green fuzzy thing on legs.

 A popular actress.

 Kawaii aka chan
Ooishi des.


  1. Japanese television is horrifying at its best; at its worst ... words fail me.

    The sportsman is golfer Ryo Ishikawa. That fuzzy green thing is a little character called Suumo, a mascot for Recruit's residential business. Here: http://suumo.jp/ He has a fan club of 80 276 people on Facebook! :D

    The egg children baffle me. ^^

  2. Amazing!!!
    I enjoyed your CF collection!
    I want you see my CF.
    I made a culture school with CBA(he is a Japanese painter).
    I open my gallery near Shibuya!
    If you come Tokyo next time, please contact me and come here!!!

    akiko in Tokyo
